We provide surgical sterilisation for dogs, cats and rabbits. The surgery is a day procedure with your pet only needing to stay in the clinic for a few hours. The benefits of desexing dogs, cats, rabbits, and ferrets is that you will not end up with an unwanted litter or contribute to the extensive stray animal population. There are also medical benefits including reduced risk of mammary cancer later in life (female dogs), less likely to have problems with their prostate or hernias around the bottom (male dogs), unable to develop cancer in their ovaries, uterus (particularly common in rabbits) or testicles as they are removed, and cannot develop life threatening infections in their uterus (pyometra) or testicles.
Our sterilisation procedures always include a full health check prior to the anaesthetic, a personalised anaesthetic plan for your pet based on their age, medical conditions, current medications and individual needs, the sterilisation surgery with buried stitches if required (so that means no external stitches), fluid therapy throughout the anaesthetic, their own dedicated veterinary nurse who is with them for the entirety of their procedure, thorough anaesthetic monitoring including monitoring heart rate, oxygenation, blood pressure, temperature and respiratory rate and a dedicated recovery nurse whilst your pet is recovering from the anaesthetic, pain relief before and after the procedure as well as 4 days of pain relief to go home with.
For patients under the age of 8, we recommend a preanaesthetic blood test, however we leave the decision up to you. For older patients or higher risk patients we require preanaesthetic blood tests to be performed for the safety of your pet. Our in house blood machine means we are able to test your pet’s blood in under 15 minutes. The main things we are checking, prior to the anaesthetic, is liver and kidney function as well as your pet’s red and white blood cells. All of which give us an idea of which medications are safe to give your pet during and after their anaesthetic.
For Cats:
Cat Castrate: We recommend castrating cats at 4 months of age. At 4 months they are big enough to handle the anaesthetic and generally it is prior development of tomcat urine smell.
Cat Spey: We recommend speying cats at 4 months of age. Female cats are induced ovulators and so will return to season every 3 weeks until they are mated. By desexing at 4 months of age it is generally prior to their first heat and so you will avoid this unwanted experience or an accidental litter.
For Dogs:
Dog Castrate: Our recommendation for castrating dogs depends upon a few factors. In the past we have recommended desexing dogs at 6 months of age. However, as research is being conducted into the effects of early age desexing we have updated our recommendations in line with their findings. For large breed dogs we recommend waiting until at least 85% of their growing has been completed prior to castration. We will be able to advise you on the ideal desexing age for your dog.
Dog Spey: Like male dogs, in the past we have recommended desexing at 6 months of age. With female dogs we know that early age desexing reduces the risk of mammary cancer later in life. Provided they are desexed prior to the second heat cycle the risk remains very low of them developing mammary cancer later in life. So depending on your dogs breed we generally recommend desexing between 8 and 15 months of age. We will be able to advise you on the ideal desexing age for your dog.
For Rabbits:
Rabbit Castrate: Recommended at 6 months of age, younger than this and your bunny is too small for us to comfortably operate on.
Rabbit Spey: Recommended at 6 months of age. Performing the procedure on younger bunnies can be challenging as they may be too small for the surgery to be conducted safely and comfortably.
Booking a castrate or spey procedure
Making a difference when it matters the most

10/591 Withers Road,
Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed
In-home euthanasia services run outside of opening hours by appointment only

Phone: 02 9086 9130
Email: hello@rousehillfamilyvets.com.au
Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. Alternatively please contact us directly at 02 9086 9130.