
Acupuncture has been used for approximately 4500 years in animals, making it one of the oldest systems of medicine still used today. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points in the body to achieve therapy and balance. It is based on a holistic concept of diagnosis and treatment and utilises the body’s own ability to repair itself.

We use acupuncture to complement Western Medicine. It can help control pain in older pets when certain medications cannot be used, it can assist when Western Medicine offers no answer and it can also help your pets body to heal itself. Acupuncture is however not just limited to our palliative care patients, we often use it as a way of managing arthritis and back pain in younger patients and a range of other medical conditions.

Acupuncture can be used to treat and manage:

Musculoskeletal system disorders – including arthritis
Nervous system disorders
Urinary tract disease – including FLUTD in cats
Respiratory tract disorders
Cardiovascular disease
Skin disease
Gastrointestinal disease
Appointment Duration
45 minutes (60 minutes for initial appointment)
Follow-Up Acupuncture Appointments

Review progress after treatment, discussion based around any of your concerns, updating treatment plan, physical examination and acupuncture treatment.

Price: $112.40

How To Prepare Your Pet For An Appointment
When you book your appointment please let us know what your pets favourite treats are so that we can try to have them or something similar on hand to help keep them happy and distracted.

Try to have your pet a little hungry for their appointment. It will help them to want to take treats from me. If your pet is on a special diet and you would rather us feed that than please have some on hand for us to use.

How much does it cost?

In clinic appointments initial appointment $173.50 (Monday – Friday) or $193.50 (Saturday) ,

Repeat acupuncture treatments $118.00 (Monday – Friday) or $138.00 (Saturday)

Initial Acupuncture Appointment
Full patient history assessment prior to appointment, clinical discussion around your concerns, recommendations and specific treatment plan for you pet, physical examination and acupuncture treatment.
What To Expect During An Appointment
For the first 15 minutes of the appointment, I am getting acquainted with you and your pet. I take this time to get a good understanding of your concerns, your pet’s current conditions, current treatments and collect a full history. I may seem to ignore your pet initially, this allows them to feel more comfortable if they can approach me rather than me approaching them.

Once I have collected a full history I will examine your pet from both a Western Medicine standpoint as well as a Traditional Chinese Medicine standpoint. With the information collected from both the history and the physical examination, I am able to develop an acupuncture treatment plan.

At the start of the acupuncture treatment, I usually place one or two calming points to help your pet relax. From that point, we will be providing plenty of treats to ensure they are comfortable and start to associate acupuncture treatments with their favourite treats. I will generally place between 21 and 20 needles depending on the condition. It usually takes 3 – 5 minutes to place the acupuncture needles and then they remain in place for 20 – 30 minutes. Some needles will fall out during the treatment. This is normal. Your pet is also able to lay down during the treatment.

Booking An Acupuncture Appointment
We have two ways to book appointments:
  1. You can call us on 02 9086 9130 to request an appointment. 
  2. Book an appointment online. If you are unable to find a time with our online booking system please give us a call and we will do our best to find a time that is suitable.

Making a difference when it matters the most


10/591 Withers Road,
Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Click here for directions.

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed

In-home euthanasia services run outside of opening hours by appointment only

Have a question?

Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. Alternatively please contact us directly at 02 9086 9130.

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