

What is involved in a dental procedure?

A dental procedure is a day procedure in which your pet goes under a short general anaesthetic in order for us to clean and polish their teeth to remove any plaque and bacteria. It is similar to what humans have done at a dentist and the scaling and polish is not painful however does require a general anaesthetic.   

Our services cover a full mouth examination including dental x-rays to ensure that your pet’s teeth are not only healthy on the outside but that the roots and surrounding bones are healthy too.

If your pet requires extractions we are fully equipped and trained in this field. Your pet will receive nerve blocks, pain relief prior to and after waking up and pain relief to go home with to ensure their recovery is smooth and comfortable and that your pet’s teeth are the healthiest they can be.

Behind the scenes during a dental procedure

What is dental disease?

Dental disease affects two-thirds of the pet population and easily goes unnoticed. Dental disease usually occurs when a build-up of bacteria causes plaque and gingivitis to our pet’s teeth which can be uncomfortable and painful.

Smelly breath, yellow/brown staining on the teeth and red inflamed gums are usually signs of dental disease and is an indication it is time for a dental check and possibly a dental clean.

To book your dental check with one of our nurses.

Book online or call one of our nurses on 02 9086 9130 and they will be able to book your pet’s dental check. Our nurses consult Monday to Saturday by appointment.

To book your pet’s dental procedure

Please call one of our nurses on 02 9086 9130 and they will be able to book your pet’s dental procedure. Our surgery days are Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays however if needed we can sometimes operate on other days with enough notice or in emergency dental situations.

Making a difference when it matters the most


10/591 Withers Road,
Rouse Hill NSW 2155

Click here for directions.

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed

In-home euthanasia services run outside of opening hours by appointment only

Have a question?

Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. Alternatively please contact us directly at 02 9086 9130.

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