Email *
Phone *
Name *
Age *
Where did you get your cat? *
How old was your cat when you acquired it? *
Do you know their behaviour as a kitten? *
Is your cat litter trained? *
How many people live at home? *
Are there other people who regularly visit the home? Pet Sitters? Friends? Extended family? *
How many animals live at home? What type of animals are they? *
What is your cat's relationship like with other animals in the home? *
How would you describe your relationship with your cat? *
Do you have any ailments that influence your ability to interact with your cat? *
If other, please specify *
Why are you seeking help/advice about your cat? *
What has prompted your visit today? *
What is the main behavioural problem or issue? *
What about this problem would you like to change? *
Describe how this problem developed over time: *
When did you first notice the main problem: *
Has this problem changed in frequency? *
Has this problem changed in intensity? *
Does your cat have any other behavioural problems? *
Did these secondary problems develop at the same time?
Most recent incident: *
Second to last incident: *
If yes, how often *
What shape & size are litter trays? *
Where are they located in your house? *
What type of litter material do you use? *
Do you always use the same brand? *
Are there odour control granules added? *
How often is the tray cleared of urine? *
How often is the tray cleared of faeces? *
How often is it completely cleared out and washed? *
What do you use to clean the tray? *
Have you recently changed the litter material or cleaning solution used? *
If yes, what was the change and when did it happen?
Is the cat leaving faeces outside of the litter tray? *
Is the cat urinating outside of the litter tray? *
How often does this occur?
What time of day do you usually find the urine or faeces outside of the tray? (AM, PM, before work, overnight etc) *
Where is the cat depositing urine and faeces outside of the tray? *
Are any deposits near windows, doors, plants, furniture etc? *
Has there been a change in litter tray location? *
Have you ever caught the cat depositing urine outisde of the tray? *
If yes, what was your response? and what was the cat's response?
What posture does the cat assume when urinating our spraying outside of the box? *
Where is the urine located? One the floor? on the walls about 15-20cm from the floor? *
If urinating outside of the tray is the urine? Normal pool? small drops? squirts? blood tinged? *
When the problem first began, can you recall any unusual incident or anything that might have upset the cat? *
Have there been any recent changes in your personal routine? *
Have there been any recent changes in living arrangements? *
Describe the most recent incident and the setting it occurred
Where was the pet?
Where was everyone in relation to the pet?
What was everyone doing before the incident?
What did the pet do?
What was the pet's body posture?
What was your reaction to the behaviour?
How did the pet react?
How does your cat react to thunderstorms? *
How does your cat react to fireworks? *
Does your cat react to other noises? *
How does your cat behave with familiar visitors? *
How does your cat behave with unfamiliar visitors? *
What have you done to correct the problem so far? *
How successful have these measures been? *
How do you discipline your cat for this or any other problems? *
Do you feel that you may have contributed to the problem? *
What are your goals for treatment? *
Do you feel this is achievable? *