The Facts About Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough, also known as Canine Cough, is a widespread health issue amongst Australian dogs, especially those kept in intensive kennel situations (such as boarding, shelters or dog shows) and highly social dogs that often visit dog parks, as well as dogs that live...

The Facts About Canine Parvovirus

Canine Parvovirus, commonly known as “parvo”, is a life threatening infection that predominantly occurs in puppies between 6 and 20 weeks of age. In some areas of Sydney it is the leading cause of severe illness and death in puppies and adolescent dogs. What is Canine...

What is Infectious Canine Hepatitis

Infectious Canine Hepatitis is considered a rare viral infection. When outbreaks occur, it mostly affects dogs less than 1 year old or unvaccinated dogs. What is Infectious Canine Hepatitis? A highly contagious virus that attacks mainly the liver but can also affect...

Canine Enteric Coronavirus

Canine Enteric Coronavirus is a common virus affecting dogs of all ages but puppies are particularly susceptible. Whilst it is a similar type of virus to human Coronavirus which causes COVID, it causes different symptoms in puppies and dogs and is not transmissible to...

What is Canine Distemper Virus?

What is Canine Distemper Virus? Canine Distemper is a viral disease that affects not only dogs, but also many other animals including cats. There is no specific treatment for Canine Distemper and severe disease with neurological symptoms sadly has only a 50% survival...