Our Blog

I Think My Pet May Have An Ear Infection, What Should I Expect At The Vet?
Ear infections can be very uncomfortable for your pet and if left untreated can cause ongoing complications and pain. This is why we recommend you book a visit with the vet as soon as you notice your pets ears are infected. Common signs your pet may have a ear...

Why Is Having My Pets On Preventative Parastics So Important?
Did you know that Spring and Summer are the most common months for parasites such as fleas and ticks to come out. They can appear all year round but we see higher numbers during this time. So why do we recommend your pet being on parasitic prevention all year round?...

Why Blood Tests Are So Important For Your Pets.
We go to our doctors to have regular check ups and blood screenings, this should be done for our pets too. We offer a number of in house blood screens from pre anaesthetic panels to full comprehensive panels. You may be wondering why your pet needs a blood test if...

5 Ways To Reduce Stress in Your Pets
Is your dog or cat exhibiting signs of anxiety? Our pets, just like us, can suffer from anxiety. This can range from mild to extreme and the earlier the invention the better. There are a number of different strategies you could implement to help your pet feel more...

Dental Disease
At Rouse Hill Family Vets, we are huge advocates for your pets' dental health. We regularly do dental x-rays for both cats and dogs, as well as recommend dental checks, prophylactic cleaning, and homecare for our patients to keep their teeth sparkly white. ✨️ Did You...

How Can I Help My Pet This Winter
Get those winter woolies out, the cold has definitely set in! Our pets, especially our senior citizens, can start to struggle as the temperature starts to drop. 🌀 Some warning signs you might notice: Struggling to get up, especially in the mornings or after a nap Not...

How This Crazy Weather Can Affect Your Pets
The weather around Sydney has been temperamental over the last few months resulting in a significant amount of humid weather. Did you know this can pose health concerns to our 4 legged friends? The ongoing changes in weather and humidity can cause irritation to our...

What’s the Best Food to Feed My Pet?
Are you feeling like feeding your new puppy or kitten just dry food doesn’t seem like enough? They are growing and you want to make sure they are getting all the nutrition they need for their developing little bodies. At Rouse Hill Family Vets our main recommendation...

Tick Season
Tick season is among us and with the rise in the warmer weather we are also seeing a rise in ticks among our furry friends! Why are ticks a problem? There are a few different species of ticks however the ones we are the most worried about are Paralysis ticks....

What You Need to Know About Desexing Rabbits
Desexing is the surgical sterilisation of rabbits that prevents them from breeding. It is a recommended procedure for all rabbits not intended for breeding purposes. Males undergo castration which is the removal of both testicles from beneath the skin. Females undergo...