Our Blog

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How Can I Help My Pet This Winter

How Can I Help My Pet This Winter

Get those winter woolies out, the cold has definitely set in! Our pets, especially our senior citizens, can start to struggle as the temperature starts to drop. 🌀 Some warning signs you might notice: Struggling to get up, especially in the mornings or after a nap Not...

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What’s the Best Food to Feed My Pet?

What’s the Best Food to Feed My Pet?

Are you feeling like feeding your new puppy or kitten just dry food doesn’t seem like enough? They are growing and you want to make sure they are getting all the nutrition they need for their developing little bodies. At Rouse Hill Family Vets our main recommendation...

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Tick Season

Tick Season

Tick season is among us and with the rise in the warmer weather we are also seeing a rise in ticks among our furry friends! Why are ticks a problem? There are a few different species of ticks however the ones we are the most worried about are Paralysis ticks....

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What You Need to Know About Desexing Rabbits

What You Need to Know About Desexing Rabbits

Desexing is the surgical sterilisation of rabbits that prevents them from breeding. It is a recommended procedure for all rabbits not intended for breeding purposes. Males undergo castration which is the removal of both testicles from beneath the skin. Females undergo...

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Stenotic Nares

Stenotic Nares

Stenotic nares is a term used for describing narrowed nostrils. Stenotic nares make up one part of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome or BOAS. Brachycephalic dogs are those with a squishy face such as Pugs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Boxers, and English...

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How to Memorialise Your Pet

How to Memorialise Your Pet

There are many ways to memorialise your pet and honour their memory. We have compiled a list of ideas which may help you start the process of memorialising your pet. Plant a tree in their memory Scatter their ashes in their favourite place in the garden Place a...

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What Does a Fear Free Clinic Look Like?

What Does a Fear Free Clinic Look Like?

We are committed to giving your pet the most "Fear Free" experience possible. Almost all of our staff now are officially Fear Free certified, which is the course we base our business model on. So how are we different from most clinics? All of our consultations are...

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What Do Vet Nurses Do?

What Do Vet Nurses Do?

It’s almost the end of the year, and we wanted to share with you some information on one of the most valuable professions in the veterinary industry - VET NURSES! Did you know that a qualified vet nurse does around two years' worth of training and experience before...

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How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

So, your dog needs their ears cleaned... but how do you go about cleaning them? What should you use? How do you go about? How do you make sure you don't hurt them? These are questions we get every day in consult, so Dr. Belinda and Elmo are here to show you how to...

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