Email *
Phone *
Name *
Age/Date of Birth *
Breed *
Sex * Male Neutered Male Female Spayed Female
Weight *
Primary Care Veterinarian (Please list your primary vet clinic’s name, doctor’s name & phone number): *
Primary compliant *
Duration of problem *
If Other
Has any testing been done in the last 12 months? This includes radiographs, x/rays, bloodwork, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound etc. Please have your vet send us these results.
What treatments has your pet had for this condition in the past? - List surgeries, physical therapies and medications names if appropriate.
Did you feel there was improvement with the above treatments?
Please list the specific brand, dry/canned as well as any treats regularly given *
How is your pet’s appetite? * Normal Increased Decreased Inconsistent
Does your pet have any food allergies? (If yes, please list) *
Has your pet’s voice or noises that he/she makes changed at all? If yes, please describe: *
Describe any changes in breathing:
If Other
If Other
Does your pet seem painful? If yes, please grade (1 = mild to 10 = severe) and when. *
Has their stretch changed? Please describe. *
Please describe where your pet sleeps: *
Has your pet had any behavioural changes recently? If so, please describe. *
Have you noticed any irritability in your pet? If so, when and why? *
Has your pet ever demonstrated aggressive behaviour? When and why? *
Please list all prescribed and over the counter medications including the dosage and frequency given. *
Current dietary supplements and herbal therapies? *
Does your pet have any other medical history that has not already been discussed? (E.g. Seizures, heart condition, respiratory conditions, other previous surgeries?) *
What specific goals are you seeking for your pet through rehabilitation therapy? *